#528 Swoobat

I’m sure there’s a bat-related “getting to first-base” pun there somewhere..

I absolutely love how the theme of this line is being both incredibly sweet and incredibly ick at the same time. As such, the evolution is given a romantically entangled couple of tails that form a friendship bracelet-like shape. That would be quite cute if the thought of two fleshy rat-tails twisted up together in a knot wasn’t also pretty unnerving.

Anyways, this guy is just so flipping cute. I can’t help but absolutely love that sparkling, loving look in his big black eyes. Dude looks like he has anime eyes over looking at the love of his life.

And his great big grin feels like some vintage Charlie Brown-esque shizz.

Part of me also sincerely hopes that the Swoobat line is a subtle nod to the the many romance novels (most notably the Twilight series) that romanticized vampires. That’s probably a stretch, but a love-themed bat certainly can invite the comparison to the sexy, dolled up vampire trend that was popular around the time Black and White were released.

I also love how Woobat evolves by just sort of exploding out of its own fur, with its bare face and ass sprouting from the fluff in the middle. That’s not really related to the line’s theme of love and hearts, but it’s still really funny and adorable and I love it. Plus it winds up giving Swoobat a fashionable little kerchief for its neck, made out of its prevo’s leftover fur, so that’s fun.

Rating: 10/10

One thought on “#528 Swoobat

  1. voltorb1993 says:

    I always thought Swoobat is “swoop + bat” but I realised now that it’s probably “swoon + bat”. I really on’t know how to feel about that. Anyway, Woobat and Swoobat are fine but a bit gross.

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