#527 Woobat

Wooo! A bat!

Okay this thing is just darling. There’s so much iconic derpiness in this thing’s silly little personality. I love the way this furry moron’s shag hangs over his eyes, leaving his mouth and nose as the only features on his hairball body.

And what a nose! There’s no denying that real-life bats can have disturbing and creepy noses — what with their fleshy folds and gnarled details. So to simplify that shape into a round suction cup with a heart shaped nostril is a fun way to make it lovable. There’s still elements of creepiness to the cutesy heart-nose though: After all, that one, singular gaping nostril is probably dripping with mucus — and that pink coloration against the blue fur reminds us we’re looking at a fleshy part. It’s also equal parts adorable and disgusting that these little guys likes to give wet “kisses” with their snotty little heart shaped noses. Aww! Eww?? …Aww! I even love how they even have a signature move based on this disgusdorable behavior in Heart Stamp. (At least they used to be, before Gen 8 came along and cut one of my favorite moves.)

Overall, an extremely cute little critter with just enough grossness to make it memorable, iconic and full of personality. I’m also an absolute sucker for the core furball anatomy with just enough features to give this ball of fluff some pizazz — such as the dorky little buck-fang and the cute little Halloween-style flappers. And I’m definitely a fan of the concise inspiration in how it’s a literal interpretation of the African heart-nosed bat.

Rating: 10/10

How could I not love this love-bat right off the bat. Gamefreak, do my sweet, gross loverboy justice and bring back Heart Stamp in Gen 9. Let’s get a petition going.

2 thoughts on “#527 Woobat

  1. William Wolffgang says:

    I love the shaggy fur over eyes look… But I just can’t see that here. I only recently learned his nose isn’t his eye and I haven’t been able to uneducate myself yet.. maybe one day I’ll realise his greatness…

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