#526 Gigalith

Rocky new year.

I think Gigalith is probably one of the most terrifying looking Pokemon. This thing has the face of the devil. It’s neck-hole (which presumably exists for mobility purposes so that it can swivel its head-rock up and down) looks almost like a demented mouth. And the unblinking, unmoving earholes that evoke blood-red eye sockets would be absolutely horrifying to stare into as they sort-of-kind-of-not-really stare back at you. Imagine catching a glimpse of one of these horrifying beasts in a deep dark cave as you briefly shine your flashlight over him — you’d think you were face to face with a spiky satanic statue of hellworship.

I criticized Roggenrola and Boldore for being too garish in their coloration, but in hindsight I honesty I think the deep saturated colors work pretty well for something as monstrous and terrifying as Gigalith. The colors make Roggenrola and Boldore feel a little too conspicuous considering that they’re mostly just generic rock creatures, but an imposing hellstatue like Gigalith probably deserves to be colored with that uncomfortable deep blue and stark red combo.

Overall, it’s a very solid stone kaiju that feels way more creative than its brethren in Aggron or Rhydon. Once again, it’s definitely not the most memorable rock creature, but I’d probably say it’s underrated and worthy of love. It’s definitely very competently designed with some nice three-dimensionality and a unique silhouette and overall feel with its spiky quadrupedal pyramidal form.

Rating: 8/10

2 thoughts on “#526 Gigalith

  1. Ethanol says:

    Oooh yes! Gigalith is great and so underappreciated! I don’t have much to say about it, but I’m happy to see it getting love c:

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